



Space Apps Challenge 2018 チャレンジテーマ




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#attribution_name Space Apps Challenge Tokyo
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1 2018 A-1 CAN YOU BUILD A... https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/can-you-build/design-based-nature-fusion/details Design an autonomous free-flyer to inspect a spacecraft for damage from Micro-Meteoroid and Orbital Debris (MMOD). Design by Nature バイオミメティクス(生物模倣)自律型フライヤー 生物の構造や機能を参考にして、微小隕石や破片による宇宙船の損傷を調べる自律型フライヤーを設計してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2781i What components, structures, or patterns of Nature (or inspired by Nature) are your machine and/or operations sequence based on? What types of sensors will your flyer use? Visual? Electromagnetic? Sensors based on sound? In your designs, you may consider the following (this is not an exhaustive list): Dimensions of the damage: The width of the MMOD entry hole is usually small compared to the depth; angle of impact is not known Lighting and shadows: light sources/shadows, surface reflections, view angles, camera/sensors Inspection surface: Cone-shaped inspection surface geometry; distance of free-flyer from inspection surface Zero-g, vacuum of space, orbital mechanics/relative motion (would capsule be made to spin to support survey, or not spin to support damage site characterization?) Flight plan optimization for reliable results, free-flyer efficiency, and/or spacecraft efficiency (e.g., propellant/power used, inspection time, etc.) Autonomy and minimum crew time (In-space or on-ground? Would you use local or remote communications? On-board imaging and processing? What type of decision logic would you use to direct the free-flyer operations?)
2 2018 A-2 CAN YOU BUILD A... https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/can-you-build/make-sense-out-mars/details Develop a sensor to be used by humans on Mars. Make Sense Out of Mars 火星センサー 火星で人間が使うセンサーを開発してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2782i The sensor could be for an initial short-term Mars mission or to be used while humans are permanently living on the red planet. Can you repurpose existing technology on Earth to be used by humans on Mars? Or, can you improve technologies from NASA’s robotic Mars missions to be operated by humans? What benefits would you take advantage of with a human (versus robot) operator? How would you address any drawbacks?
3 2018 A-3 CAN YOU BUILD A... https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/can-you-build/when-next-rocket-launch/details Create a tool to track international rocket launch information. Do YOU Know When the Next Rocket Launch Is? ミッションインフォメーション 国際ロケット打上げ情報を追跡するためのツールを開発してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2783i What factors go into a decision to launch? What are the most common causes of scheduling changes in launches? Where are the world’s major spaceports? Where are good surrounding sites to view each rocket launch? Which company or government does the rocket belong to? What about the payload? Can the launch be viewed live online? If so, what’s the URL? Include as much useful information as you can!
4 2018 A-4 CAN YOU BUILD A... https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/can-you-build/bring-your-own-solution/details Pose your own challenge, and create a solution of your own choosing! Invent Your Own Challenge 持ち込み企画 自身でテーマを決めて、解決してください。(グローバル審査対象外) http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2784i You can work in a team on something that you're all passionate about All of NASA’s data are free, open, and publicly available for you to use By choosing to Bring Your Own Challenge, you will not be eligible for a Global Award
5 2018 B-1 HELP OTHERS DISCOVER THE EARTH https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/help-others-discover-earth/artify-earth/details Use NASA Earth imagery data to create 1) an art piece, or 2) a tool that allows the imagery to be manipulated to create unique pieces of art. Artify the Earth 地球アート作品 NASAの地球画像データを使用してアート作品を作成するか、画像を加工してユニークなアート作品を作成できるツールを作成してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2786i If you are creating with spectral band data, consider the following: Optical images, or what we see as multicolored images, are made of measurements of spectral bands gathered from NASA’s missions. An example of image transformation is assigning spectral bands to different Red, Blue, and Green (RBG) color assignments to create alternate renditions There is an incredible number of phone applications used to manipulate imagery for artistic purposes. These applications change image clarity, adjust color tone, apply unique filters, merge multiple images together, fragment images into patterns, and transform pictures into works of art in the style of famous painters, illustrators, and artists. Any combination of these features or others will also allow users to create unique pieces of art You might consider how your project could be used for educational purposes. For example, if developing a tool to manipulate spectral band data, consider adding features that share information about the satellite missions that gathered the data, the spectral bands used to create the RBG image, or the area being displayed (natural history, geography, sociology) Data inputs could run the gamut of NASA data and include even more than just Earth imagery, allowing for art based on imagery of other planets Consider incorporating data that go beyond optical properties, like elevation layers (e.g., see Shuttle Radar Topography Mission resource provided below), or processed products that represent physical characteristics of the planet
6 2018 B-2 HELP OTHERS DISCOVER THE EARTH https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/help-others-discover-earth/1d-2d-3d-go/details Create and deploy web apps that will enable anyone to explore Earth from orbit! Visualize Earth science satellites and mission data using interactive virtual globes, such as NASA’s Web WorldWind. Use data sets from NASA’s Open Data Portal to present fire, ice, clouds, meteorites, or water temperature spectra. 1D, 2D, 3D, Go! 3次元天体ツール 地球を軌道から探索できるようにするWebアプリケーションを開発し展開してください。(NASAのWeb WorldWindなどの対話型仮想地球儀を使用して、データを視覚化します。 NASAのオープンデータポータルのデータセットを使用して、火災、氷、雲、隕石、または水温を表示します。) http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2787i Free virtual globes provide functions to import Earth science data Free code libraries and web-based programming environments enable presentations of 2D images and 3D data visualizations Free mission analysis tools enable the generation of trajectory coordinates. Free repositories and web app hosting platforms enable collaborative development and deployment of web apps that present Earth science imagery and visualization of trajectories The Example Resource Descriptions section provides links to demonstrations, tutorials, virtual globes, code libraries, and mission analysis applications. Many projects and previous Space Apps Challenge products are available on an open source code repository. A few code repositories offer free web page hosting; thus, projects can provide their source code and host a web page with the embedded web app within the same repository. Then you will be able to embed or link to the app from your project page. Source code and models for interactive 3D web apps should be free for reuse. Additionally, a good solution would be one that is well commented and documented, and demonstrated via a working web app embedded in a web page. Code and models ideally might be written so that they can be adapted and reused by citizen scientists interested in designing their own space missions.
7 2018 B-3 HELP OTHERS DISCOVER THE EARTH https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/help-others-discover-earth/space-apps-documentary/details Create a short documentary to capture the essence of NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge. Space Apps: The Documentary ドキュメンタリー「SpaceApps」 NASAのSpace Apps Challengeの本質を捉えるための短いドキュメンタリーを作成してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2788i Since your team may only have a short amount of time to produce and edit your film, you might divide and conquer the tasks ahead of you, including script writing, directing, acting, interviewing guest speakers, adding music, editing, managing lighting, sound, serving as artist, or production assistant etc. Consider what equipment your team might need to produce your film, such as audio/video recorders, microphones, and lighting. A modern smart phone should be able to perform all of these functions, but think about how you can increase production quality with specialized equipment. If your team does not already have specialized equipment, your team may be able to collaborate with others to provide it. Keep in mind is that sound is often considered the most important component of a video. An audience can forgive poor video quality, but hardly forgive poor audio quality. Consult resources available on the internet to help you plan and produce a short film. For example, there are sites with tools that allow 3D modeling and animation, audio recording, and editing, and/or there are sites that guide you through the process of going from idea to researching, outlining, making a shot list, and writing a script. If chosen as a Global Award finalist, think about how the footage could be edited in order to create a trailer to submit as your 30-second video entry.
8 2018 C-1 VOLCANOES, ICEBERGS, AND ASTEROIDS (OH MY) https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/volcanoes-icebergs-and-asteroids-oh-my/dont-forget-can-opener/details Create an easy-to-use way for people to develop their own, custom checklists – both items and plans – for specific kinds of disasters. Use NASA images, videos, or data visualizations to illustrate each disaster type, to help people understand how to prepare. Don’t Forget the Can Opener! 災害別チェックリスト 特定の災害に応じてカスタマイズする、人々が使いやすく独自のチェックリスト(必要な資材と活動の両方の一覧)を作成するための方法を示してください。 (NASAの画像、ビデオ、またはデータ視覚化を使用して、それぞれの災害の種類を説明し、準備方法を理解できるようにします。) http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2789i Different surprises need different strategies. Help people know whether they are likely to need a go-bag for evacuating, or a kit and plan for sheltering in place, and what should go in each. Help them figure out what order to do things in. Illustrate and explain each disaster type with one or more NASA images, videos, or data visualizations, so that people genuinely understand what they are preparing for. Whatever you design, have it be something that can still be used when the internet goes down. You might have it prompt people to think about their own special-need items and things they might be forgetting – and have it warn them if their virtual go-bag gets too heavy to carry!
9 2018 C-2 VOLCANOES, ICEBERGS, AND ASTEROIDS (OH MY) https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/volcanoes-icebergs-and-asteroids-oh-my/real-time-fire-app/details Build a crowdsourcing tool for citizens to contribute to early detection, verification, tracking, visualization, and notification of wildfires. Spot That Fire! 山火事マップ 市民が山火事を早期発見、通知、検証、追跡、視覚化に貢献するためのクラウドソーシングツールを構築してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2790i 2Teams are invited to develop a web-based or phone-based app that will allow citizens to participate in wildfire early detection, verification, tracking, visualization, and/or notification. Apps can focus on one or more of the following suggested topics, but you are not limited to these! ● Report a fire: e.g., upload textual and multimedia (such as picture or video with geolocation) materials, etc. ● Verify and screen fire reports: e.g., check with NASA fire database, cross-checking, verify whether a picture/video is fire-related (through machine learning for example), etc. ● Notify communities at risk: e.g., notify close-by residents and local fire departments, notify people driving in the vicinity, allow people to subscribe to fire warnings, etc. ● Track and visualize fires: e.g., show fire locations and tracks on maps, embed animation, display detailed fire data, etc. ● Build mashups: i.e., integrate geospatial data from various sources to provide innovative services to citizens (e.g., local weather and local traffic), typically through their published APIs (application programming interfaces) In order to make your efforts sustainable after the event and to allow the community to continue with your innovative ideas, your solution may: Provide a brief description of the app or solution goal and design – what does it do and how Offer the description (a story) of why this app or solution is important and what insights or future capabilities it provides with regard to fighting wildfires Leverage NASA state-of-the-art technology, including: near-real-time fire database and satellite image processing APIs accessible through the NASA OpenNEX App Store Provide a description of and links to other open-source tools used in the development How does your app encourage citizen participation to support this human-based remote sensing initiative on wildfires?
10 2018 C-3 VOLCANOES, ICEBERGS, AND ASTEROIDS (OH MY) https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/volcanoes-icebergs-and-asteroids-oh-my/hello-bennu-osiris-rex/details Tell the world about the asteroid named Bennu. Hello, Bennu! PR映像「小惑星ベンヌ!」 地球近傍小惑星べンヌを世界に伝える映像をつくってください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2791i Use your imagination and tell your story of what you think about Bennu. What part of NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission is most exciting to you? What discoveries do you think we will make at Bennu? Whatever you think is cool about Bennu, tell the world about it!! You can share a poem or a song, a dance or a presentation— you can even make a video from Bennu’s perspective!
11 2018 D-1 WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS... https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/what-world-needs-now/globe-observer/details Analyze and/or display data to communicate interesting findings or improve public understanding of our home planet. Looking GLOBE-ally 地球観測データの世界 NASAや「GLOBE Observer」のデータは教育で活用する可能性を秘めています。データ分析して表示したり、興味深い発見を伝えたり、国民の理解を深めるには、どのような方法があるか検討し、報告してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2792i The data collected from citizen scientists consist of photographs as well as descriptive information – for example, type of clouds, percentage cloud cover, type of mosquito habitat, percentage of land covered by trees, etc. Each observation has a latitude/longitude location. The different types of data may need to be displayed in different ways The GLOBE Visualization System and the GLOBE Advanced Data Access Tool contain data from all protocols in the GLOBE Program, not just those collected via the GLOBE Observer app. You will find the layer for Clouds under the Atmosphere section, Mosquito Habitat Mapper under Hydrosphere, and Land Cover under Biosphere. Feel free to explore the other types of data if you wish. The data summary for data points on individual clouds in the GLOBE Visualization System will have a link to a satellite matching page, which indicates if a match was made. Other useful types of data (plus examples of satellite sources – see Resources for the locations of data) to compare to the citizen science ground observations include: Clouds: Cloud Fraction (Aqua/MODIS, Terra/MODIS) Mosquito Habitat Mapper: Precipitation (GPM/IMERG), Soil Moisture (SMAP), Vegetation (Landsat, Terra/MODIS), Surface Temperature (Aqua/AIRS) Land Cover: Vegetation (Landsat, Terra/MODIS), Feel free to think creatively! An example application could create a game where individuals test their ability to know an environment based on viewing it from space. The game would give players a choice of images gathered from the land cover app and an optical remote sensing image. Can players pick the correct image associated with that location? This application would help the public connect with satellite imagery and could also gather data on locations that are frequently misidentified. This capability could be used to outline future educational needs or identify images that have been incorrectly logged in the GLOBE App.
12 2018 D-2 WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS... https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/what-world-needs-now/land-where-displaced-people-settle/details Characterize land cover/land use at informal settlements of displaced populations using NASA satellite datasets. The Land Where Displaced People Settle 地球の土地利用 NASAの衛星データセットを使用して過疎地における土地利用の特徴付けを行ってください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2793i Your approach could include many kinds of assessments, such as (but not limited to): Tracking changes in agricultural or garden greenspace within or surrounding informal settlements; Tracking changes in nighttime lights emissions; Estimating fuel-wood consumption around the settlement; Measuring changes in groundwater; and/or Tracking changes in local land cover to identify the specific date when the settlement was established. These are merely suggestions. You are not required to take on all, or any, of the above, but rather you are encouraged to have a targeted question and application, even if some uncertainty or limitations remain. Your approach may not be consistently effective across a variety of landscapes populated by informal settlements. That is okay! Consider applying your approach at a range of different sites and identifying where and why your approach works or does not work.
13 2018 D-3 WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS... https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/what-world-needs-now/health-makes-wealth/details Integrate NASA Earth science data and citizen science data to learn more about the connections between human, animal, and environmental health. Health Makes Wealth 地球環境と動物 地球環境が人間や動物の健康にどのように影響するかを明らかにするために、地球科学データと生態データを統合し、関連性を示してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2794i As you brainstorm on the elements of this challenge, consider the following: How can you describe the daily, monthly, and annual temporal changes of your local terrain? How can we better understand real-time changes (e.g., average vs. extreme measurements)? How can we showcase real-time environmental changes to enhance educational programs for community members of all ages?
14 2018 E-1 AN ICY GLARE https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/icy-glare/polar-quest/details Design a quest-like game to teach others about polar environments and how they are changing. Use NASA data to help adventurers plan their quest and present them with challenges along the way. Polar Quest 南極・北極クエスト NASAのデータを使用して、北極・南極の様子を教えるためのクエストゲームをデザインしてください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2795i When should your explorers leave? What kind of transportation will they take? What hazards will they face along the way? What supplies will they pack? What will the terrain look like (Sea ice? Glaciers?) How can you present NASA data to help the explorers plan their trip? What data could the explorers use during their trip to avoid hazards that come up? How would the quest be different if it occurred 10 years ago? 30 years ago? 100 years ago? What has changed in the environment?
15 2018 E-2 AN ICY GLARE https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/icy-glare/find-my-cryosphere/details Design an app that lets a user pick a location and learn about the parts of Earth's cryosphere that impact that location. Find My Cryosphere! 氷圏教育アプリ 地球の氷圏について学ぶためのアプリケーションを設計してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2796i Allow users to identify the nearest glacier, area of permafrost, snowpack, ice sheet, etc. How far away is the nearest glacier? Ice sheet? Snow pack? How does access to food, water, and shelter depend on the cryosphere? What about lifestyle or recreation? How would life change in your location if that piece of the cryosphere changed? Disappeared? How does the food in your location (crops, fish, etc.) depend on the cryosphere? Design creative and interesting ways to display the data!
16 2018 E-3 AN ICY GLARE https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/icy-glare/recycle-polar-opposites/details Design a data analysis and/or visualization tool to show the spatial and temporal changes in Arctic and Antarctic ice to a general audience. Polar Opposites 対極可視化ツール 極(南極・北極)の氷について、空間的・時間的変化を分析・可視化するツールを設計してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2797i Consider comparing changes in ice sheets and sea ice over time and space with atmospheric and ocean conditions in the two regions.
17 2018 F-1 A UNIVERSE OF BEAUTY AND WONDER https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/universe-beauty-and-wonder/shoulders-giants/details Create a game using images from the Hubble Space Telescope as integral components! On the Shoulders of Giants 宇宙望遠鏡画像のゲーム素材化 ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡(地上約600km上空の軌道上を周回する宇宙望遠鏡)の画像を使用して、ゲームに活用できる素材を作成してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2798i
18 2018 F-2 A UNIVERSE OF BEAUTY AND WONDER https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/universe-beauty-and-wonder/remix-golden-record/details Develop a concept for a time capsule with content to educate an extraterrestrial civilization about human culture and our solar system. Remix The Golden Record 新版ゴールデンレコードのコンセプト 人間と太陽系についての宇宙開発文明を教育するためのコンテンツをデザインしてください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2799i Form as diverse a team as possible. The team may include members with diverse disciplines, such as philosophers, artists, musicians, mathematicians, scientists, engineers, etc. What type of content will your team include to capture the essence of humanity and our solar system? How would the content be stored in a time capsule, and how would the target civilization decipher the content? The civilization may need to ‘play back’ the recordings. So think about how the content would be recorded (i.e. language, diagrams, math, etched recordings, etc.), and how it would be accessed by the audience. Also consider how the time capsule could stand the test of time, because it may not be discovered until tens of thousands—or more— years from today. What did previous communication missions do right? Can your team improve upon their methods? Think about what technology is available today compared to the technology available during the previous missions. Whatever technology you envision using, you should explain your approach, and show how your time capsule will withstand both time and the long journey through space. There are many resources available on the internet to research how the Voyager golden records were developed. Think about how the Golden Record team approached the project and narrowed down content to include only the most important representations of our cultures. Other available resources may be used to discover how the various extraterrestrial communications projects include clever ways of encoding messages and making decisions on what content to include.
19 2018 F-3 A UNIVERSE OF BEAUTY AND WONDER https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/universe-beauty-and-wonder/mission-mars/details Use NASA Data to Plan a Rover Mission on the Moon! Mission to the Moon! 月探査ミッションの計画 NASAのデータを使って、月の探査機ミッションを計画してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2800i As you develop your mission plan and visualization, you may consider the following criteria for choosing a moon-landing site for a lunar rover: What are the scientific goals of your mission? What do you hope to learn? Will a rover be able to land safely and travel easily at the landing site? Is it possible for a rover to search for water at the landing site? How much of the moon’s geological past can be studied at the landing site?
20 2018 F-4 A UNIVERSE OF BEAUTY AND WONDER https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/universe-beauty-and-wonder/virtual-space-exploration/details Generate Virtual Reality environments for the surface of the Moon and Mars! Obtain 3D models from NASA resources, such as Moon Trek and Mars Trek. Integrate 3D models of surface exploration systems and habitats. Develop and deploy the virtual world at a hosting service. Virtual Space Exploration 月・火星VR NASAのリソースから3Dモデルを入手して、月と火星表面のVRを構築してください。 http://idea.linkdata.org/idea/idea1s2801i To complete this challenge you may consider the following: Several websites offer free hosting of VR models and popular game engines are available for free for self-education. Developing a VR model will require some work with a 3D graphics program. Typically, 3D graphics programs and game engines include a script editor to define behaviors. Depending upon the program, the scripting language might be Python, JavaScript, Lua, or a C like language. Inspire others to reuse and build upon your VR models! Consider how you can use this challenge to educate the public and inspire students through virtual exploration. Use your project page to explain how you developed and integrated the VR experience and your thoughts about why you selected a particular region of the Moon or Mars. Establish a repository where you can share the 3D models and scripts your team used or developed to create the VR experience. Don’t forget to attribute credit to the organizations that provided the applications that your team used. Provide a link to the VR model or embed it in your project page.
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