



#lang ja
#attribution_name GenomeHackson+rei.nakayama
#license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.ja
#file_name SNPs_list
#download_from http://linkdata.org/work/rdf1s5241i
#property phenotype_category phenotype_name phenotype_display_name score0 score1 score2 score3 score4 和名
#object_type_xsd string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja string:ja
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 disease lung-cancer Lung cancer lower risk for getting lung cancer slightly lower risk for getting lung cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting lung cancer higher risk for getting lung cancer 肺がん
2 disease colorectal-cancer Colorectal cancer lower risk for getting colorectal cancer slightly lower risk for getting colorectal cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting colorectal cancer higher risk for getting colorectal cancer 大腸がん
3 disease gastric-cancer Gastric cancer lower risk for getting gastric cancer slightly lower risk for getting gastric cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting gastric cancer higher risk for getting gastric cancer 胃がん
4 disease breast-cancer Breast cancer lower risk for getting breast cancer slightly lower risk for getting breast cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting breast cancer higher risk for getting breast cancer 乳がん
5 disease liver-cancer Liver cancer lower risk for getting liver cancer slightly lower risk for getting liver cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting liver cancer higher risk for getting liver cancer 肝臓がん
6 disease pancreatic-cancer Pancreatic cancer lower risk for getting pancreatic cancer slightly lower risk for getting pancreatic cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting pancreatic cancer higher risk for getting pancreatic cancer すい臓がん
7 disease prostate-cancer Prostate cancer lower risk for getting prostate cancer slightly lower risk for getting prostate cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting prostate cancer higher risk for getting prostate cancer 前立腺がん
8 disease type-2-diabetes Type 2 diabetes lower risk for getting type 2 diabetes slightly lower risk for getting type 2 diabetes normal slightly higher risk for getting type 2 diabetes higher risk for getting type 2 diabetes 二型糖尿病
9 disease myocardial-infarction Myocardial infarction lower risk for getting Myocardial infarction slightly lower risk for getting Myocardial infarction normal slightly higher risk for getting Myocardial infarction higher risk for getting Myocardial infarction 心筋梗塞
10 disease stroke Stroke lower risk for getting stroke slightly lower risk for getting stroke normal slightly higher risk for getting stroke higher risk for getting stroke 脳卒中
11 disease gout Gout lower risk for getting gout slightly lower risk for getting gout normal slightly higher risk for getting gout higher risk for getting gout 痛風
12 disease rheumatoid-arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis lower risk for getting rheumatoid arthritis slightly lower risk for getting rheumatoid arthritis normal slightly higher risk for getting rheumatoid arthritis higher risk for getting rheumatoid arthritis リウマチ
13 disease atopic-dermatitis Atopic dermatitis lower risk for getting atopic dermatitis slightly lower risk for getting atopic dermatitis normal slightly higher risk for getting atopic dermatitis higher risk for getting atopic dermatitis アトピー
14 disease asthma Asthma lower risk for getting asthma slightly lower risk for getting asthma normal slightly higher risk for getting asthma higher risk for getting asthma 喘息
15 disease ovarian-cancer Ovarian cancer lower risk for getting ovarian cancer slightly lower risk for getting ovarian cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting ovarian cancer higher risk for getting ovarian cancer 卵巣がん
16 disease cervical-cancer Cervical cancer lower risk for getting cervical cancer slightly lower risk for getting cervical cancer normal slightly higher risk for getting cervical cancer higher risk for getting cervical cancer 子宮頸がん
17 disease higher-blood-pressure Higher blood pressure lower risk for getting higher blood pressure slightly lower risk for getting higher blood pressure normal slightly higher risk for getting higher blood pressure higher risk for getting higher blood pressure 高血圧
18 food-and-nutrition caffein-metabolism Caffein Metabolism slower slightly slower normal slightly rapid rapid カフェイン代謝の速さ
19 food-and-nutrition alcohol-drinking-behavior Alcohol Drinking Behavior lower risk to be a drunker slightly lower risk to be a drunker normal slightly higher risk to be a drunker higher risk to be a drunker 飲酒量
20 food-and-nutrition triglyceride Triglyceride lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中の中性脂肪濃度
21 food-and-nutrition ldl-cholesterol LDL Cholesterol lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 悪玉コレステロール量
22 food-and-nutrition hdl-cholesterol HDL Cholesterol lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 善玉コレステロール量
23 food-and-nutrition vitamin-a Vitamin A lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のビタミンA濃度
24 food-and-nutrition vitamin-b12 Vitamin B12 lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のビタミンB12濃度
25 food-and-nutrition vitamin-d Vitamin D lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のビタミンD濃度
26 food-and-nutrition vitamin-d-insufficiency Vitamin D insufficiency lower risk to be insufficient slightly lower risk to be insufficient normal slightly higher risk to be insufficient higher risk to be insufficient ビタミンD欠乏症
27 food-and-nutrition vitamin-e Vitamin E lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のビタミンE濃度
28 food-and-nutrition response-to-vitamin-e-supplementation Response to Vitamin E supplementation weak response slightly weak response normal slightly strong response strong response ビタミンEサプリへの反応
29 food-and-nutrition folate Folate lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中の葉酸レベル
30 food-and-nutrition phosphorus Phosphorus lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のリン濃度
31 food-and-nutrition uric-acid Uric acid lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 尿酸値
32 food-and-nutrition iron Iron lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中の鉄分濃度
33 food-and-nutrition magnesium Magnesium lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のマグネシウムイオン濃度
34 food-and-nutrition calcium Calcium lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のカルシウムイオン濃度
35 food-and-nutrition beta-carotene Beta-carotene lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のβカロテン濃度
36 food-and-nutrition alpha-linolenic Alpha-linolenic lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のαリノレン酸濃度
37 food-and-nutrition dha DHA lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のDHA濃度
38 food-and-nutrition epa EPA lower serumn level slightly lower serumn level normal slightly higher serumn level higher serumn level 血液中のEPA濃度
39 food-and-nutrition bitter-taste Bitter Taste less sensitive to bitter taste slightly less sensitive to bitter taste normal sensitive to bitter taste more sensitive to bitter taste Bitter Taste
40 food-and-nutrition caffeine-consumption Caffeine Consumption tend to take small amount of caffine tend to take small amount of caffine, slightly normal tend to take large amount of caffine, slightly tend to take large amount of caffine カフェイン消費量
41 food-and-nutrition food-addiction Food addiction lower risk for getting food addiction slightly lower risk for getting food addiction normal slightly higher risk for getting food addiction higher risk for getting food addiction 食中毒
42 food-and-nutrition protain-intake Protain intake tend to take small amount of protain tend to take small amount of protain, slightly normal tend to take large amount of protain, slightly tend to take large amount of protain タンパク質摂取傾向
43 food-and-nutrition carbohydrate-intake Carbohydrate intake tend to take small amount of carbohydrate tend to take small amount of carbohydrate, slightly normal tend to take large amount of carbohydrate, slightly tend to take large amount of carbohydrate 炭水化物摂取傾向
44 food-and-nutrition fat-intake Fat intake tend to take small amount of fat tend to take small amount of fat, slightly normal tend to take large amount of fat, slightly tend to take large amount of fat 脂質摂取傾向
45 food-and-nutrition red-wine-liking Red wine liking not tend to be a red wine lover not tend to be a red wine lover, slightly normal tend to be a red wine lover tend to be a enthusiast of red wine 赤ワイン好き
46 food-and-nutrition white-wine-liking White wine liking not tend to be a white wine lover not tend to be a white wine lover, slightly normal tend to be a white wine lover tend to be a enthusiast of white wine 白ワイン好き
47 intelligence musical-ability Musical-ability poor sense of music not good sense of music normal good sense of music great sense of music 音感(音程判別)
48 intelligence word-reading Word-reading poor word-reading ability not good word-reading ability normal good word-reading ability great word-reading ability 発音力
49 intelligence information-processing Information Processing poor information processing ability not good information processing ability normal good information processing ability great information processing ability 情報処理速度
50 intelligence sensory-perception-of-smell Sensory perception of smell poor perception of smell not good perception of smell normal good perception of smell great perception of smell 匂いの敏感さ
51 intelligence memory-performance- Memory performance poor memory performance ability not good memory performance ability normal good memory performance ability great memory performance ability エピソード記憶
52 intelligence intelligence Intelligence poor intelligence not good intelligence normal good intelligence great intelligence 知性
53 intelligence intelligence-childhood Intelligence (childhood) poor intelligence (childhood) not good intelligence (childhood) normal good intelligence (childhood) great intelligence (childhood) 知性(子供時代)
54 intelligence reading Reading poor reading ability not good reading ability normal good reading ability great reading ability 読み書き力
55 personality depression Depression not easy to get depressed not easy to get depressed, slightly normal easy to get depressed, slightly easy to get depressed 気分の落ち込み
56 personality conscientiousness Conscientiousness not tend to be conscientious not tend to be conscientious, slightly normal tend to be conscientious, slightly tend to be conscientious 誠実さ(性格のBig 5)
57 personality agreeableness Agreeableness not tend to be agreeable not tend to be agreeable, slightly normal tend to be agreeable, slightly tend to be agreeable 協調性(性格のBig 5)
58 personality anger Anger not easy to get angry not easy to get angry, slightly normal easy to get angry, slightly easy to get angry 怒りっぽさ
59 personality anxiety Anxiety not easy to get anxious not easy to get anxious, slightly normal easy to get anxious, slightly easy to get anxious 不安
60 personality gambling Gambling not easy to get addicted to gambling not easy to get addicted to gambling, slightly normal easy to get addicted to gambling, slightly easy to get addicted to gambling ギャンブルへのはまりやすさ
61 personality novelty-seeking Novelty-seeking weak novelty-seeking trait weak novelty-seeking trait, slightly normal strong novelty-seeking trait, slightly strong novelty-seeking trait 新しいものへの好奇心
62 personality harm-avoidance Harm Avoidance weak harm avoidance behavior weak avoidance behavior, slightly normal strong avoidance behavior, slightly strong navoidance behavior trait 損害回避
63 personality neuroticism Neuroticism not easy to get neurotic not easy to get neurotic, slightly normal easy to get neurotic, slightly easy to get neurotic 神経質(性格のBig 5)
64 personality extraversion Extraversion not tend to be extravert not tend to be extravert, slightly normal tend to be extravert, slightly tend to be extravert 外向性(性格のBig 5)
65 personality openness Openness not tend to be open personality not tend to be open personality, slightly normal tend to be open personality, slightly tend to be open personality 開放性(性格のBig 5)
66 personality reward-dependence Reward Dependence not tend to be reward dependent not tend to be reward dependent, slightly normal tend to be reward dependent, slightly tend to be reward dependent 報酬依存性
67 personality economic-and-political-preferences Economic and political preferences tend to be liberal tend to be liberal, slightly normal tend to be conservative, slightly tend to be conservative 経済的政治的嗜好性
68 personality social-communication-problems Social communication problems tend to have a social communication trouble tend to have a social communication trouble, slightly normal not tend to have a social communication trouble, slightly not tend to have a social communication trouble 社会性
69 personality political-ideology Political ideology tend to be liberal tend to be liberal, slightly normal tend to be conservative, slightly tend to be conservative 政治的イデオロギー
70 personality inattentive-symptoms Inattentive symptoms tend to be inattentive tend to be inattentive, slightly normal not tend to be inattentive, slightly not tend to be inattentive 注意欠陥
71 personality self-employment Self-employment not tend to be self-employed not tend to be self-employed, slightly normal tend to be self-employed, slightly tend to be self-employed 自営業傾向
72 sports endurance-performance endurance-performance poor endurance-performance not good endurance-performance normal good endurance-performance great endurance-performance 持久力
73 sports exercise-treadmill-test-traits Exercise treadmill test traits poor score of treadmill test not good score of treadmill test normal good score of treadmill test great score of treadmill test 有酸素運動
74 sports exercise-leisure-time Exercise (leisure time) not tend to have a exercise habit not tend to have a exercise habit, slightly normal tend to have a exercise habit, slightly tend to have a exercise habit 余暇の運動量
75 sports hand-grip-strength Hand grip strength weak hand grip strength slightly weak hand grip strength normal slightly strong hand grip strength strong hand grip strength 握力
76 trait bmi BMI lower BMI slightly lower BMI normal slightly higher BMI higher BMI BMI
77 trait height Height smaller slightly smaller normal slightly taller taller 身長
78 trait waist-hip-ratio Waist hip ratio smaller hip size slightly smaller hip size normal slightly bigger hip size bigger hip size ウェストヒップ比
79 trait waist-circumstance Waist circumstance smaller waiste circumstance slightly smaller waiste circumstance normal slightly bigger waiste circumstance bigger waiste circumstance ウェストサイズ
80 trait body-fat-percentage Body fat percentage lower body fat percentage slightly lower body fat percentage normal slightly higher body fat percentage higher body fat percentage 体脂肪率
81 trait lean-body-mass Lean body mass lower lean body mass slightly lower lean body mass normal slightly higher lean body mass higher lean body mass 体脂肪をのぞいた体重
82 trait visceral-subcutaneous-adipose-tissue-ratio Visceral-subcutaneous adipose tissue ratio lower visceral adipose tissue ratio slightly lower visceral adipose tissue ratio normal slightly higher visceral adipose tissue ratio higher visceral adipose tissue ratio 内臓脂肪-皮下脂肪の比率
83 trait breat-size Breat size smaller breast size slightly smaller breast size normal slightly bigger breast size bigger breast size 胸のサイズ
84 trait blood-presure Blood presure lower blood presure slightly lower blood presure normal slightly higher blood presure higher blood presure 血圧
85 trait hemoglobin-levels Hemoglobin levels lower slightly lower normal slightly higher higher ヘモグロビン量
86 trait weight Weight not tend to get heavy weight not tend to get heavy weight, slightly normal tend to get heavy weight, slightly tend to get heavy weight 痩せやすさ
87 trait motion-sickness Motion-sickness not tend to get motion-sickness not tend to get motion-sickness, slightly normal tend to get motion-sickness, slightly tend to get motion-sickness 乗り物酔い
88 trait lobe-size Lobe-size smaller lobe size slightly smaller lobe size normal slightly bigger lobe size bigger lobe size 福耳
89 trait beard-thickness Beard-thickness not tend to get thicker beard not tend to get thicker beard, slightly normal tend to get thicker beard, slightly tend to get thicker beard ひげの濃さ
90 trait morning-person Morning person tend to be a evening person tend to be a evening person, slightly normal tend to be a morning person, slightly tend to be a morning person 夜更かし傾向(朝型夜型)
91 trait smorking-behavior Smorking Behavior not tend to be a heavy smoker not tend to be a heavy smoker, slightly normal tend to be a heavy smoker, slightly tend to be a heavy smoker 喫煙量
※ 100行まで表示しています。