



#lang en
#attribution_name GenoCon
#attribution_url http://atted.jp/download.shtml
#license http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.ja
#file_name tooltip_AtGenExpress
#download_from http://linkdata.org/work/rdf1s464i
#namespace PO http://www.plantontology.org/amigo/go.cgi?view=details&query=PO:
#property explanation plant_ontology
#object_type_xsd string string
#property_context Assertion Assertion
Col-0_cauline Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Cauline leaf (steam leaf). PO:0000013
Col-0_cotyl Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Cotyledon (seedling leaf). PO:0020030
Col-0_flow10/11 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stages 10-11 flower (petal differentiation and expansion stage). PO:0007611
Col-0_flow12 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 12 flower (petal differentiation and expansion stage). PO:0007611
Col-0_flow12_carp Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 12 flower (petal differentiation and expansion stage) carpels. PO:0007611
Col-0_flow12_petal Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 12 flower (petal differentiation and expansion stage) petal. PO:0007611
Col-0_flow12_sepal Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 12 flower (petal differentiation and expansion stage) sepal. PO:0007611
Col-0_flow12_stam Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 12 flower (petal differentiation and expansion stage) stamen. PO:0007611
Col-0_flow15 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 15 flower (The phase of a flower when pollen is presented and/or the stigma is receptive). PO:0007616
Col-0_flow15_carp Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 15 flower (The phase of a flower when pollen is presented and/or the stigma is receptive) carpels. PO:0007616
Col-0_flow15_pedi Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 15 flower (The phase of a flower when pollen is presented and/or the stigma is receptive) pedicels. PO:0007616
Col-0_flow15_petal Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 15 flower (The phase of a flower when pollen is presented and/or the stigma is receptive) petals. PO:0007616
Col-0_flow15_sepal Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 15 flower (The phase of a flower when pollen is presented and/or the stigma is receptive) sepals. PO:0007616
Col-0_flow15_stam Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 15 flower (The phase of a flower when pollen is presented and/or the stigma is receptive) stamen. PO:0007616
Col-0_flow9 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 9 flower (petal differentiation and expansion stage). PO:0007611
Col-0_flower Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Stage 12 flower (petal differentiation and expansion stage). PO:0007611
Col-0_hyp Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Seedling 7 days old hypocotl (seedling root). PO:0020100
Col-0_inflo Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21 day inflorescence (flower bud). PO:0009049
Col-0_leaf Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 15 day old vascular leaf. PO:0001052
Col-0_leaf_1-2 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 7 day old seedling rosette leaves 1 and 2. PO:0000014
Col-0_lf7_distal Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days old, rosette leaf 7, distal half. PO:0000014
Col-0_lf7_petio Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days old, rosette leaf 7 petiole. PO:0020038
Col-0_lf7_prox Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days old, rosette leaf 7 proximal half. PO:0000014
Col-0_pollen Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 6 weeks old, pollen sac. PO:0025277
Col-0_root17 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days old roots. PO:0009005
Col-0_root7 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 7 days old seedling roots. PO:0009005
Col-0_root_GM-21 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21 days old roots. PO:0009005
Col-0_root_GM-8 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 days old root. PO:0009005
Col-0_root_GM5-21 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21 days old roots (with sucrose). PO:0009005
Col-0_root_GM5-8 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 days old root (with sucrose). PO:0009005
Col-0_root_MS1 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 15 days old root. PO:0009005
Col-0_roset10 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days rosette leaf # 10 (expansion stage). PO:0001052
Col-0_roset12 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days rosette leaf # 12 (expansion stage). PO:0001052
Col-0_roset14 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 14 days rosette leaf (mid rosette growth stage). PO:0000014
Col-0_roset2 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days rosette leaf # 2 (leaf fully expanded stage). PO:0001053
Col-0_roset21 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21 days late rosette leaf. PO:0007076
Col-0_roset4 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days rosette leaf # 4 (leaf fully expanded stage). PO:0001053
Col-0_roset4_1l Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 10 days early rosette leaf # 4 (leaf expansion stage). PO:0007081
Col-0_roset6 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days rosette leaf # 6 (leaf fully expanded stage). PO:0001053
Col-0_roset7 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 7 day old seedling rosette leaves (early rosette growth stage). PO:0007081
Col-0_roset8 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 17 days early rosette leaf # 8 (leaf expansion stage). PO:0007081
Col-0_sedlGM-21 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21 days seedling. PO:0007081
Col-0_sedlGM5-21 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21 days seedling with sucrose. PO:0007081
Col-0_seed10 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 weeks old plant, seed stage 10 without siliques (green cotyledons). PO:0009010
Col-0_seed6 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 weeks old plant, seed stage 6 without siliques (elongated torpedo). PO:0001078
Col-0_seed7 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 weeks old plant, seeds stage 7 without siliques (late torpedo to early walking-stick ). PO:0001078
Col-0_seed8 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 weeks old plant, seeds stage 8 without siliques (walking-stick to early curled cotyledons). PO:0001078
Col-0_seed9 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 weeks old plant, seeds stage 9 without siliques (curled cotyledons to early green cotyledons). PO:0001081
Col-0_seedl_GM Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 days old seedling, green parts. PO:0007131
Col-0_seedl_GM5 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 8 days old seedling grown on sucrose, green parts. PO:0007131
Col-0_seedl_green Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 7 days old seedling, green parts. PO:0007131
Col-0_senescent Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 35 days old plant, senescent (old) leaf. PO:0007017
Col-0_shoot_trans Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 14 days old plant shoot apex, transition (before bolting). PO:0000037
Col-0_shoot_veg Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 7 days old seedling, shoot apex, vegetative. PO:0000037
Col-0_sil3 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Silique (fruit) with seeds stage 3 (globular stage). PO:0001185
Col-0_sil4 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Silique (fruit) with seeds stage 4 (early heart to late heart stage). PO:0004507
Col-0_sil5 Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. Silique (fruit) with seeds stage 5 (late heart to mid torpedo stage). PO:0004507
Col-0_stem_1st Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21-23 days old plant, 1st stem node. PO:0020141
Col-0_stem_2nd Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21-23 days old plant, 2nd stem internode. PO:0020142
Col-0_veg_leaf Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 7 days old seedling: shoot apex, vegetative + young leaves. PO:0007131
Col-0_whole21d Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 21 days whole plant. PO:0007078
Col-0_whole22d Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 22 days whole plant. PO:0007078
Col-0_whole23d Columbia, the model strain of Arabidopsis thaliana. 23 days whole plant. PO:0007078
ag-12_flow12 Flower development mutant 21-23 days, flower stage 12 equivalent; flowers without stamens, carpels; replaced by sepals and petals; indeterminate PO:0007611
ag-12_inflor Flower development mutant 21-23 days, inflorescence. PO:0007611
ap1-15_flow12 Flower development mutant AP1, 21-23 days old flower stage 12 equivalent; flowers without sepals, petals replaced by sec. flowers. PO:0007611
ap1-15_inflor Flower development mutant AP1, 21-23 days old, inflorescence. PO:0007611
ap2-6_flow12 Flower development mutant AP2, 21-23 days old, flower stage 12 equivalent; flowers without sepals, petals; carpeloid structures on sepals. PO:0007611
ap2-6_inflor Flower development mutant AP2, 21-23 days old, infloresence. PO:0007611
ap3-6_flow12 Flower development mutant AP3, 21-23 days old, flower stage 12 equivalent; flowers without petals, stamens. PO:0007611
ap3-6_inflor Flower development mutant AP3, 21-23 days old, infloresence. PO:0007611
clv3-7_flow12 Flower development mutant CLV3, 21-23 days old, flower stage 12 equivalent; multi-carpel gyneoceum; enlarged meristem; increased organ number. PO:0007611
clv3-7_inflor Flower development mutant CLV3, 21-23 days old, infloresence. PO:0007611
gl1T_roset4_1l GL1 mutant, 10 days old, rosette leaf \#4, rosette leaf expansion stage. PO:0001052
gl1T_rosett12 GL1 mutant, 17 days old, rosette leaf \#12, 12 leaves visible stage. PO:0007064
lfy-12_flow12 Flower development LFY mutant, 21-23 days old, flower stage 12 equivalent; floral ogans converted to leaf-like structures; some shoot characteristics. PO:0007611
lfy-12_inflor Flower development LFY mutant, 21-23 days old, inflorescence. PO:0007611
ufo-1_flow12 Flower development UFO-1 mutant, 21-23 days old, flower stage 12 equivalent; filamentous organs in whorls two and three. PO:0007611
ufo-1_inflor Flower development UFO-1 mutant, 21-23 days old, inflorescence PO:0007611
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