




理研のバイオインフォマティシャンの一覧です。 「バイオインフォマティシャンのイエローページ」アプリの入力データとして使っています。



#lang ja
#attribution_name Sayoko Shimoyama
#attribution_url http://linkdata.org/user/Sayoko_Shimoyama
#license http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.ja
#file_name riken_bioinformaticians
#download_from http://linkdata.org/work/rdf1s371i
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#object_type_xsd string string string string string string string:en string:en string:en
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
Tetsuro Toyoda Dr. toyoda@base.riken.jp RIKEN BASE http://www.base.riken.jp/outline/plan/img/toyoda.jpg http://www.facebook.com/tetsuro.toyoda https://database.riken.jp/sw/ja/%E8%B1%8A%E7%94%B0_%E5%93%B2%E9%83%8E/crib139u1rib139u312i/ Machine Learning | Gene Analysis | Genome Design | Drug Design | Database Integration | Semantic Web Kawaguchi, S., et al. ‘Positional correlation analysis improves reconstruction of full-length transcripts and alternative isoforms from noisy array signals or short reads.’ < i > Bioinformatics < /i > < b > 28 < /b > :929-937(2012) | Iida, K., et al.. 'ARTADE2DB: improved statistical inferences for Arabidopsis gene functions and structure predictions by dynamic structure-based dynamic expression (DSDE) analyses.', < i > Plant Cell Physiol < /i > < b > 52 < /b > : 254-64(2011) | Kobayashi, N., et al. 'Semantic-JSON: a lightweight web service interface for Semantic Web contents integrating multiple life science databases.', < i > Nucleic Acids Res < /i > < b > 39 < /b > : W533-40(2011) | Masuya, H., et al., 'The RIKEN integrated database of mammals.', < i > Nucleic Acids Res < /i > < b > 39 < /b > : D861-70(2011)
Takaho A. Endo Dr. takaho.endo@riken.jp RIKEN RCAI Current interest of mine is computer epigenetics as a bioinformatitian. http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/180043_148425815216832_4255184_n.jpg http://www.facebook.com/takaho.endo https://database.riken.jp/sw/ja/%E9%81%A0%E8%97%A4_%E9%AB%98%E5%B8%86/crib139u1rib139u431i/ ChIP-chip | ChIP-seq | DNase-seq | Homology search | MeDIP-seq | Microarray | NCBI submission | RNA-seq | Web interface To TK, et al. < i > PLoS Genet. < /i > 2011. < b > 7 < /b > :e1002055. | Watarai H, et al. < i > J Clin Invest. < /i > 2010. < b > 120 < /b > :2610-8. | Sharif J, et al. < i > Nature. < /i > 2007. < b > 450 < /b > (7171):908-12.,
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