



A collection of promoter sequences which can be used as starting sequences for genocon 2012



#lang en
#attribution_name Cox
#attribution_url http://genocon.org
#file_name camv_scrambled1_features
#download_from http://linkdata.org/work/rdf1s141i
#property program_source feature_name feature_start feature_end feature_score feature_strand sequence_frame feature_comment
#object_type_xsd string:en string:en int int string string string string
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
B_domain Geneious misc_feature 79 323 . + . Name=B domain -91 to -343;created by=User
A_domain Geneious misc_feature 332 428 . + . Name=A domain -90 to +7;created by=User;modified by=User
B4_subdomain Geneious misc_feature 121 213 . + . Name=B4 subdomain -209 to -301;created by=User;modified by=User
B3_subdomain Geneious misc_feature 214 266 . + . Name=B3 subdomain -156 to -208 (trichromes and epidermis);created by=User;modified by=User
B2_subdomain Geneious misc_feature 267 315 . + . Name=B2 subdomain -106 to -155 (vascular tissue);created by=User;modified by=User
minimal_promoter Geneious misc_feature 376 421 . + . Name=Minimal promoter -46 to -1;created by=User
A1_subdomain Geneious misc_feature 332 375 . + . Name=A1 subdomain -47 to -90;created by=User;modified by=User
B5_subdomain Geneious misc_feature 79 120 . + . Name=B5 subdomain -302 to -343;created by=User;modified by=User
GATA1_protection Geneious misc_feature 332 334 . + . Name=GATA1 DNAse protection;created by=User;modified by=User
as1 Geneious misc_feature 344 350 . + . Name=activating sequence-1 (root);created by=User;modified by=User
tata_box Geneious misc_feature 390 396 . + . Name=TATA box;created by=User;modified by=User
tss Geneious misc_feature 421 421 . + . Name=+1 TSS;created by=User;modified by=User
motif_GGTAATATC Geneious Editing History Replacement 96 104 . . . Name=GGTAATATC;Original Bases=GGTAATATC
motif_GTAGAAAAG Geneious Editing History Replacement 160 168 . . . Name=GTAGAAAAG;Original Bases=GTAGAAAAG
motif_GTGGAAAAG Geneious Editing History Replacement 277 286 . . . Name=GTGGAAAAAG;Original Bases=GTGGAAAAAG
motif_GATT Geneious Editing History Replacement 319 322 . . . Name=GATT;Original Bases=GATT
motif_GTGATA Geneious Editing History Replacement 326 331 . . . Name=GTGATA;Original Bases=GTGATA
motif_CCACTGAC Geneious Editing History Replacement 335 342 . . . Name=CCACTGAC;Original Bases=CCACTGAC
motif_ACGCACAAT Geneious Editing History Replacement 353 361 . . . Name=ACGCACAAT;Original Bases=ACGCACAAT
motif_CACT Geneious Editing History Replacement 364 367 . . . Name=CACT;Original Bases=CACT
※ 100行まで表示しています。